How do you like them Apples

Jason McDonald dives into the antitrust actions facing major tech companies, with a spotlight on Apple, following the US Justice Department’s allegations of monopolistic practices in the iPhone ecosystem. After highlighting the EU’s aggressive stance with the Digital Markets Act and the ongoing challenges in the US, Jason discusses a trade idea predicated on Apple’s market underperformance due to declining sales in key markets, lack of innovative products, and regulatory pressures. … Continue readingHow do you like them Apples

Immigration Leads to Migration

Raj Malhotra reveals how understanding the profound impact of real-life events on human behaviour unlocks a treasure trove of trading opportunities. Specifically, Raj delves into the pressing issue of the southern border crisis in the United States, unpacking its widespread implications for voters, the economy, and future market trends. He then demonstrates how to distil these implications into a concrete trade idea and uncovers an unexpected beneficiary of the rise in immigration … Continue readingImmigration Leads to Migration

Killing Angry Bears

Raj Malhotra, senior trading mentor at ITPM, dives into the latest market trends discussing the recent FOMC meeting, market reactions, and potential policy shifts. Raj breaks down the ongoing market correction, highlighting historical patterns and the potential for a substantial rebound. He also mentions opportunities in under-loved sectors like small and mid-cap stocks, and briefly touches on Groupon as a stock he is paying close attention to. … Continue readingKilling Angry Bears